利用者は、展示スペースの利用期間について、事前に展示スペース の管理者と協議し、決定するものとします。
(1) 法令、公序良俗に反する行為
(2) 他人の知的財産権等を侵害する行為
(3) 展示スペースの管理者、その他の利用者又は第三者に迷惑や損害を与える行為
(4) 展示スペースの設備・備品等を無断で移動、破損、汚損する行為
(5) 火気の使用、喫煙、飲食、ペットの持ち込み等、展示スペースのルールに反する行為
(6) その他、展示スペースの利用に関して不適切と判断される行為
展示スペー スの管理者は、利用者の過失、不注意等によって生じた損害について、一切の責任を負わないものとします。
(1) 利用者が本利用規約の禁止事項に違反した場合
(2) 利用者が支払い義務を履行しない場合
[TentCen Kobe Exhibition Space Terms of Use]
Article 1 (Definition)
In these Terms of Use, the following terms:, each shall have the following meanings:
1. "Exhibition space" refers to the space that TentCen Kobe lends to users for the purpose of exhibitions, events, seminars, etc. for a certain period of time.
2. “User” refers to an individual, corporation, or organization that uses the exhibition space.
3. "These Terms of Use" collectively refers to these Terms of Use and the rules, regulations, precautions, etc. separately established by the Exhibition Space.
Article 2 (Application for use)
1.If a user wishes to use an exhibition space, he or she must apply for use to the exhibition space administrator in advance.
2. When applying for use, the user shall provide accurate and truthful information.
3.The exhibition space administrator shall decide whether to approve the usage application and notify the user in advance that the application may not be approved.
Article 3 (Usage fee)
1. Users shall pay the usage fee determined by the administrator when using the exhibition space.
2.Usage fees shall be determined separately by the exhibition space manager, depending on the period of use, purpose of use, size of the space, etc.
Article 4 (Usage period)
1.Users shall consult with the exhibition space administrator in advance to determine the period of use of the exhibition space.
2.Extension of the period of use will only be possible if the user applies to the exhibition space manager, and only if the exhibition space manager approves, taking advantage of the fact that additional payment of usage fee may be required. The person shall be notified in advance.
Article 5 (Purpose of use)
1. Users shall use the exhibition space for its original purpose of holding exhibitions, events, seminars, etc.
2. When using the exhibition space, users shall act in a manner that does not violate public order and morals, be careful not to cause trouble or damage to others, and use the exhibition space appropriately.
Article 6 (Maintaining the condition of the space used)
1. When using the exhibition space, users must keep the space and surrounding environment clean and take care not to engage in any behavior that violates public order and morals.
2.The exhibition space administrator may demand compensation from the user for any damage caused by the user's defacement or damage to the space used or the surrounding environment.
Article 7 (Prohibited matters)
1. Users must not engage in the following acts when using the exhibition space.
(1) Acts that violate laws and public order and morals
(2) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, etc. of others
(3) Acts that cause trouble or damage to the exhibition space administrator, other users, or third parties.
(4) Acts of moving, damaging, or defacing exhibition space equipment and fixtures without permission.
(5) Acts that violate the rules of the exhibition space, such as using fire, smoking, eating and drinking, and bringing in pets.
(6) Other acts that are deemed inappropriate regarding the use of exhibition space.
2.If a user violates any of the prohibited items, the exhibition space administrator may have the user cease using the space. In this case, usage fees will not be refunded.
Article 8 (Insurance)
1. If the user brings works, equipment, etc. for display in the exhibition space during the period of use, the user shall take out damage insurance at his or her own risk.
2.The exhibition space manager shall not be obligated to confirm whether the user has insurance.
Article 9 (Disclaimer)
1.The exhibition space administrator shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the user's negligence or carelessness.
2.The exhibition space administrator shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to third parties as a result of the user's use of the exhibition space.
Article 10 (Cancellation of contract)
The exhibition space administrator may cancel these Terms of Use without prior notice to the user if the user falls under any of the following reasons.
(1) If the user violates the prohibitions of these Terms of Use
(2) If the user does not fulfill payment obligations
Article 11 (Governing law and competent court)
These Terms of Use and the use of the exhibition space shall be governed by Japanese law, and in the event of a dispute, the court with jurisdiction over the location of the exhibition space shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
TentCen Kobe